The Bighorn Mountains region is a unique blend of wildlife, vast landscapes, clean water, clean air, and offers many recreational opportunities. This region is managed for the public good by several federal agencies, including the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The Council for the Bighorn Range (The Council) will organize, educate, and advance the protection and conservation of these public lands in the Bighorn Mountains region. The Council is a grass-roots non-profit 501 C (3) eligible conservation organization with membership drawn from the communities within the Bighorn Mountains region and including citizens who have an active interest in the region, its resources, and its conservation.
The Council will use outreach and education to foster public support for the Bighorn Mountains region. With the best science, public participation, and applicable law, we will encourage our public land managers and decision makers to protect and conserve this region. We will also promote the protection of all lands currently in Wilderness designation as well as those areas have been determined to possess wilderness characteristics. The resources of the region must be managed with an objective of balance- for wildlife, clean water, clean air, fire, and economic justice.
The Council will implement our mission by:
(1) Educating the public and decision makers across the region about the uniqueness the region
(2) Advocating directly through alerts, written comments, volunteer training,
(3) Promoting research for conservation.
(4) Encouraging the participation of our members in the public process.
(5) Serving as advocates for conservation of forests, grasslands, and the sagebrush steppe.
(6) Advocating for the public lands of the Bighorns to remain within the management of Federal Land Management agencies.
(7) Working with other regional and national organizations to advance administrative appeals, protests, and litigation.
(8) Advocate for the protection of sensitive species and ecosystems, the remaining roadless areas within the Bighorn Mountains region, and non-game wildlife.